Sunday, December 11, 2011

Join us tomorrow for Anchoring Prosperity the FREE TeleSummit where you can learn how to access your biggest wildest dreams using energies and universal laws. 

Register here to listen online or by phone and watch your life transform!


Monday, Dec.12th don't miss Hans King

Listen to Hans King, Monday, December 12, 2011   7pm EST
For over 50 years, Hans Christian King has been sharing his extraordinary talent: the ability to communicate with the realm of Spirit.
He works in partnership with hisGuidance to bring through information that is relevant to your life. Hans Christian King is a very loving and kind man. He not only presents the most insightful information, but thoughtfully counsels you on the guidance that comes through. One of his many unique gifts is his ability to let you know where you are on your soul’s path, which helps you make the clearest possible choices for your future.
Hans acts as a Medium to present messages between you and your Angels. Experiencing a personal reading creates an opportunity for you to experience Truth first hand by your Guidance coming through and speaking to you about where you are on your soul’s path.
There is no other medium in the world giving as many private readings as Hans. Not only is he an expert at providing clear and concise information about your specific situation, he also counsels you on everything that comes through from your Guidance.

Hans King

Imagine having all Anchoring Prosperity TeleSummit speakers at your finger tips 24/7. Take the mp3 recordings with you to the gym, on a walk, or relax and listen just about anywhere. And all for only $97US. So what are you waiting for?

Register today to have YOUR most pressing questions answered. A private session with Hans can start at $200.00 and the wait time for an appointment can be months. This is your opportunity to learn how to access more of what you want in your life for free.

LIMITED TIME OFFER – 90% off Retail

Modern Messages from a Modern Day Mystic PACKAGE
This amazing package worth $970.00US is a steal for only $97.00US during the TeleSummit. Through these classes and recordings Hans teaches how you can use your unique gifts to access your own Guidance.
CLICK HERE to order yours NOW!
  1. LIVE Class – Modern Abundance
  2. LIVE Class – Opportunities During The Appearance of Loss and Failure
  3. Communication with Spirit
  4. Intermediate Spiritual Lessons
  5. Advanced Spiritual Lessons
  6. Lessons on How To Return to You
  7. Lessons on Abundance

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